With Matt Brickman of WCCO
oh .. the cute girl is Gigi, and she's up for adoption
through Pet Haven! |
So mom made me get up really early this morning because we had to be down at the WCCO studio by 7:30. She told me I had to wear a cute outfit provided by
Lulu & Luigi to help promote the
Pet Haven Fall Benefit which is on Saturday, 10/29 (it's their big fundraiser to raise money so more of my friends can be helped!).
On the way into the studio this morning mom was a party pooper ... I took a dive into the bushes on the walkway in and yanked out a dead possum --- okay, it was just the skin of the possum!!! Mom yelled at me to 'drop it'. I looked at her, debated on whether i should listen ... she looked at me with 'those' eyes so I dropped the possum. Hmmm ... for being on TV I think I should get a prize but mom didn't think so ... anyway, off we went into the studio and I got to put out my cute coat from
Lulu & Luigi and wear a purple hemp collar and leash. It was so nice and soft. At first I wasn't sure about it but then I decided I really liked it ... and my pal Gigi got to wear a cute outfit too :)
In the 'green room' getting ready for the show
Checking out the studio landscape
in nung-nung style
Waiting patiently |
Our two minutes of fame! :)
Mom tells me that everyone at the studio kept asking her 'is she always this calm??' ... she said I was such a good girl and I did a great job laying perfectly still and facing the camera :) I hope mom told everyone that I have to be calm and conserve my energy so that I can chase rabbits, squirrels and even dead possums (just wish she'd let me keep them when I catch them or find them!). I also need to conserve my energy so I can play with little brother Legacy. He's now almost 12 weeks old and is 15 pounds!!!
Ahnung and Legacy ... best of friends! |