We'll do something special for them on Monday. Maybe mom can take a picture of us so that they can have a souvenir to show their classmates?? Every time I work my mom tells me I have to look good and smell good ... says I have a reputation to maintain now that i'm a therapy dog ... thank goodness auntie Jenny at Pampered Pooch always makes time for me. I just love her so much and I love everyone at Pampered Pooch. They know I don't like to be put in those crazy cages so I never have to go in one. After auntie Jenny got done bathing me today (she told mom I was perfect as usual!) I got to hang out in the back with auntie Jenny and another staff, auntie Anna. She was preparing dinner for all the other dogs and I got to watch her ... okay, I was drooling hoping she would drop some kibbles or maybe feel sorry for me and give me some?? I got to hang out with this really cool german shepherd Hazel .... she reminds me of my friend back at Red Lake Rosie's Rescue. Her name was also Hazel and she was also a german shepherd. We used to share an igloo when I had to live outside in the cold.
Whenever I go to Pampered Pooch for spa day I feel like I am the queen. Then again, I'm sure all the other pups feel the same way too. Mister came with me this morning so that he could gets lots of play time in the daycare area. I'm home now with mom but Mister is still there. Mom decided he needed more exercise so she's going to pick him up later.
I've told mom what I want her to write on my blog so that she can type away while i'm basking in the sun. I need to get lots of rest because I have a busy day on Monday working again. Mom also tells me that we got signed up for another one on one with another kid. There are are actually two kids that want to meet with me. Mom said yes to one of them and we'll be meeting twice in March. The other kid will have to wait till April because my calendar is getting booked. Between groups, class presentations and one on one sessions I won't have time for my LONG naps.

Here's a short video clip of me "begging" for food from auntie Anna who was preparing dinner for the other dogs ... notice how I throw in a high five in hopes that that will work!! :)
and if you missed the video of me getting my head washed by auntie Jenny .. i'm reposting it just for you :)